Crimes Against Public Administration

Crimes Against Public Administration in Georgia

At Lawson and Berry, our offices have been dealing exclusively with criminal defense for over 20 years. We can handle your case no matter the situation and our Crimes Against Public Administration Attorneys in Georgia have extensive experience. A conviction for a crime against public administration will have drastic effects on you and your loved ones. Don't take a chance trying to represent yourself; let one of our experienced Georgia Crimes Against Public Administration Lawyers assist you. We will work with you to achieve the best possible outcome for your case and will walk you through every step of the court process. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

Crimes Against Public Administration in Georgia Include:

  • Acceptance of Office or Employment in More than One Branch of Government: This crime occurs when a person holds office in two different branches of government. Members of the General Assembly, judges, and clerks are all included under the statute. The purpose of the statute is to prevent conflicts of interests among public officials. 
  • Attempted Murder or Threatening of Witnesses in Official Proceedings: A person will be guilty of this offense when they intentionally murder or attempt to murder a witness from testifying in an official proceeding. Another way this crime can be committed is when the accused prevents a witness from testifying or from evidence being presented. 
  • Bribery: There are three elements to the crime of bribery: an offer or gift, made with the purpose to corruptly influence a public official. Bribery differs from the offense of influencing of legislative action. 
  • Concealing Death of Another Person: Most people assume that concealing the death of another only refers to the physical act of hiding a person killed by an unlawful act. However, the statute extends it to include when when a person hides the fact that a person is dead. Additionally, they could be convicted if they hinder the discovery of a person killed in any way. 
  • False Acknowledgement, Certificate, or Statements of Appearance or Oath by an Officer: People are required to take oaths in various situations. For instance, the President of the United States takes a oath of office. Citizens are also required to take an oath when they give evidence in court. Making false statements under oath is a serious crime under Georgia law and federal law.
  • Filing False Documents: There are various situations that are covered under the filing false documents statute. It can occur during real estate transactions, security interests, liens, or other records or statements. The key is that the documents are filing knowing they are false. 
  • Giving a False Name, Address, or Birthday to Law Enforcement Officer: When providing information to a law enforcement officer, the law requires that it is accurate. Some people try to believe they can avoid legal trouble by providing incorrect information. However, providing a false name, address, or birthday to a law enforcement officer is a crime in Georgia. 
  • Impersonating an Officer: Impersonating an officer occurs when a person represents to others that they an officer with the intent to mislead them. The offense can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the situation. 
  • Influencing of Legislative Action by  State and Local Government Officers and Employees: This crime shares some similarities to bribery but is not exactly the same. It occurs when an officer or employee of the state asks for something of value in exchange for procuring passage or to defeat the passage of legislation.
  • Obstructing or Hindering a Law Enforcement Officer: Law enforcement officers spend their days protecting citizens. Any interference with an officer lawfully conducting their duties will e a crime in Georgia. 
  • Obstructing or Hindering Firefighters: Firefighters have very dangerous careers. Their goal is to protect people and many times, they put their own lives at risk to do so. Because of that, hindering or obstructing firefighters is against the law. 
  • Obstructing or Hindering Emergency Medical Professionals: Emergency medical professionals are another group where it is prohibited to obstruct or hinder them from conducting their official duties.
  • Obstructing or Hindering Persons Making Emergency Telephone Calls: This offense occurs when a person interferes with another who is trying to call for emergency assistance. 
  • Obstructing a Park Ranger: Park rangers have a multitude of responsibilities. Interfering or obstructing a ranger from conducting their duties is a crime. 
  • Request for an Ambulance When not Reasonably Needed: Occurs when a person requests an ambulance when it is not reasonably needed 
  • Refusal to Obey Official Request: When law enforcement officers make official requests, we are required to follow their request. A refusal to obey their request will be a crime punishable as a misdemeanor. 
  • Removal or Attempted Removal of Weapon from Public Official: A person commits this crime when they remove or try to remove a weapon from a law enforcement officer. 
  • Sale of Real or Personal Property to Political Subdivision: This offense occurs when an employee, appointed officer, or elected officer of a political subdivision sells any real or personal property to the political subdivision.  
  • Transmitting False Report of a Crime: It is illegal to transmit a false report of a crime. This could include fabricating details of the crime or transmitting a report for a crime that never happened. 
  • Transmitting False Report of a Fire: This crime can occur when someone submits a report of a fire that didn't happen or when they transmit false details about the incident. 
  • Use of Laser Devices Against Law Enforcement Officers: This offense occurs when a person interferes with a law enforcement officer by using a laser device. Laser devices can make it difficult to see and cause complications for officers trying to do their job. 
  • Using Private Funds for Law Enforcement: This crime can occur when a person receives funds to be used in enforcement of the penal laws of the state. 
  • Violation of Oath by a Public Officer: Public officers are required to take an oath upon accepting their office. Violating their oath is a serious offense in Georgia. 

Georgia Case Law

Harold Hall, Jr. was convicted of bribing a Moultrie police detective and a Colquitt County deputy sheriff. Detective Boyd and Sheriff Causey brought charges against Hall under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act. Hall offered $100,000 to Causey in exchange for dropping the charges or reducing the bond on the charges. They agreed to bring Boyd in on the deal and he was offered $100,000 as well. Hall also gave them a bag containing $10,000 ($5,000 for each) as “faith money”. The Court found Hall guilty of two counts of bribery. Hall v. State, 155 Ga. App. 724, (1980).

In Rowe v. State, Misty Simone Rowe was convicted of concealing the death of another person. The facts of the case show that on July 18, 2007, the Clayton County police department received a 911 call reporting a possible dead body at an apartment complex. Upon arrival, a security guard informed the officers that Rowe may have stabbed her boyfriend, John Perry. Rowe arrived at the complex shortly after and told the officers she had been in a fight with Perry. She said she did stab him but he ran out of the apartment and returned to New Jersey. Rowe gave a written statement describing the incident. Officers subsequently located a body behind a dumpster at the complex and identified it as John Perry. The evidence of Rowe admitting she stabbed Perry corroborated by Perry's body found near a dumpster were enough to support a conviction for concealing the death of another. 302 Ga. App. 239, (2010).

Penalty for a Conviction for a Crime Against Public Administration in Georgia

A conviction for a crime that falls under this category varies greatly depending on the offense. However, the majority of the crimes are considered felony convictions and include prison and fines. The prison time ranges from one year to twenty years and the fine could be $1,000.00 or $100,000.00. Because of the wide range of penalties, it is crucial that you retain a Georgia Crime Against Public Administration Lawyer to help you through the process.

How Can a Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyer Help

One of the major benefits to having a crimes against public administration attorney in Georgia is that they can try to work out a better deal with the prosecutor than you would get on your own. Whether it is trying to get the charges lowered or argue your innocence, your Lawyer can help get you a more favorable outcome. Every case is different therefore there is no defense that works for every crime. Your Georgia Crimes Against Public Administration Lawyer will examine your case to determine what your best arguments are and seek to create gaps in the prosecutor's case.

Contact Us

After practicing for 20 plus years throughout Georgia, the Office of Lawson and Berry know how to work out deals with the prosecutor. Don't try to handle it on your own. Your Georgia Crimes against Public Administration Attorney will investigate all the details surrounding your case and evaluate your options. They will be available all the time to you – even nights and weekends – because your case is important. Lawson and Berry and their team of Lawyers will work with you to fight your charge and avoid a conviction. Call today to schedule a free case evaluation.

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Contact Us Today for Immediate Help

The time is now to start preparing your defense! Many times people lose the opportunity to put on their best defense because they wait. The importance of hiring a lawyer from the very beginning cannot be overstated! Waiting allows for witnesses to leave the area, evidence to be lost, and memories to fade. All of these have a direct effect on the successful on your case. The time to begin your case and start prepping your defense is now! Contact us today to put on your best Georgia criminal defense!
